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Journey of Souls by Dr. Michael Newton

Journey of Souls by Dr. M. Newton

Dr. Michael D. Newton holds a doctorate in counseling, is a state-certified Master Hypnotherapist in California, and a member of the American Counseling Association. He has been on the faculty of higher educational institutions as a teacher, administrator, and guidance counselor. In the field of mental health, he has worked for state agencies as a group facilitator with chemically dependent people.

Through the development of his own age-regression technique, Dr. Newton discovered it was possible to take his clients beyond their past life experiences to uncover a more meaningful immortal soul existence between lives.

He is the founder of The Michael Newton Institute for Life Between Lives Hypnotherapy (TNI). He is an author of books on past life regressions. In the book, Journey of Souls, he presents ten years of his research and insights to help people understand the purpose behind their life choices.

In this book the author shares the discourses with 29 subjects who, while in deep hypnosis describe what has happened to them between their former reincarnations on earth. We can read detailed descriptions of an afterlife experience that go far beyond “seeing a light” or a “tunnel.” The patients reveal graphic details about how it feels to die, what we see and feel right after death, who meets us right after death (compare with Your Souls Plan). They further describe what happens to disturbed souls, what the spirit world is really like, where we go and what we do as souls, why we are assigned to certain soul groups in the spirit world and what we do there.  We find out why we choose to come back in certain bodies, and how we (compare with Promised by Heaven)interact with the souls who accompany us on our journeys. We read accounts of conversations and the consistencies that the author has found between individual accounts.

He also shares his insight into different levels of souls – beginning, intermediate and advanced souls, and when and where we first learn to recognize soul mates on earth. He also writes about the purpose of life and manifestations of a “creator” but there is no mention of religion or dogma.

In this book we get a better understanding of the immortality of the human soul and it could help us meet day-to-day personal challenges with a greater sense of purpose.  For some readers the information might come as a shock to their preconceptions about death. However, it reminded me of what I learned in Theosophy or what I learned in “The Tibetan Book of the Living and Dying“.