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The Undiscovered Self by Dr. Carl Jung

The Undiscovered Self by C.G. Jung

Carl Jung asks for an awareness of the uniqueness of the individual that can be understood neither by generalizations nor by statistics.

Depth Psychology

Depth Psychology: Illuminating Unconscious Thought

Approaches based on depth psychology focus on the psyche, human development, personality formation, and individuation. Individuation is a process of bringing our unconscious potential into a concrete living reality.

Die Eigene Identitat von Hermann Meyer

Your Own Identity by Herman Meyer

Herman Meyer maintains in this book, that our identity should be taken as a guide for our own true path and that negative fate only means that we have strayed from this path. He sees fate as a blind alley, that takes us away farther and farther from our own identity, or it indicates a detour.

Laws of Destiny by Hermann Meyer

Laws of Destiny by Hermann Meyer

here are many people who complain about their fate and Herman Meyer claims that they have not been condemned by a higher power to their lives, but have chosen their fate. Hermann Meyer states that there are 10 laws that determine our existence here on earth, each of which can be influenced by us.

Introduction to Astropsychology by Glenn Perry

An Introduction To Astropsychology by Glen Perry

The book “Introduction to Astro-Psychology” by Glenn Perry represents a psychologically sophisticated astrology that goes beyond the usual approaches to the subject. All the parts are there—signs, planets, houses, aspects—but they are integrated with the latest developments in personality research and psychotherapy.