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April 2013

A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

A New Earth by Eckhart Tolle

In a New Earth” Eckhart Tolle advocates present moment awareness and the dismantling of the ego as the path towards awakened living.

Overlap of Science, Religion and Philosophy

Overlap of Science, Religion, and Philosophy

This idea of overlap is addressed in Theosophy, where the second objective is “To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy, and science.” In the Theosophical view religion, science and philosophy are three different approaches to the truth and when rightly followed are not contradictory.

Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics

Quantum Physics is a branch of science that deals with discrete, indivisible units of energy called quanta as described by the Quantum Theory. Fundamental to contemporary Quantum Theory is the notion that there is no phenomenon until it is observed

Die Eigene Identitat von Hermann Meyer

Your Own Identity by Herman Meyer

Herman Meyer maintains in this book, that our identity should be taken as a guide for our own true path and that negative fate only means that we have strayed from this path. He sees fate as a blind alley, that takes us away farther and farther from our own identity, or it indicates a detour.

Laws of Destiny by Hermann Meyer

Laws of Destiny by Hermann Meyer

here are many people who complain about their fate and Herman Meyer claims that they have not been condemned by a higher power to their lives, but have chosen their fate. Hermann Meyer states that there are 10 laws that determine our existence here on earth, each of which can be influenced by us.

Introduction to Astropsychology by Glenn Perry

An Introduction To Astropsychology by Glen Perry

The book “Introduction to Astro-Psychology” by Glenn Perry represents a psychologically sophisticated astrology that goes beyond the usual approaches to the subject. All the parts are there—signs, planets, houses, aspects—but they are integrated with the latest developments in personality research and psychotherapy.

The Ever-Present Origin by Jean Gebser

The Ever Present Origin by Jean Gebser

The Ever-Present Origin is an immense exploration into an insight—a “lightning-like inspiration” as he called it—that first came to Gebser in Spain in 1931. This insight, that a new kind of consciousness was beginning to appear in the West, came to Gebser through his study of poetry, particularly that of the Austrian poet Rainer Maria Rilke.

Universality of Religions

The Universality of Golden Rules in Religion

While religions and religious groups may vary in their practices and beliefs, the Golden Rule, also known as the Ethic of Reciprocity, is routinely a part of their philosophies and beliefs.