About Susanne’s Approach
My name is Susanne Hoepfl-Wellenhofer and I am an experienced professional spiritual coach using astrology, Tarot, and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) in my sessions.
Until you make the unconscious conscious, it will direct your life and you will call it fate.
Carl Jung
In my quest for answers to these questions, I delved into books on religion, science, philosophy, psychology, and spiritual growth. As I immersed myself in these diverse subjects, a common thread emerged:
Further key insights surfaced:
The texts that resonated with me most profoundly were “Initiation” by Elisabeth Haich, “The Ever-Present Origin” by Jean Gebser, the Bhagavad Gita, works on Theosophy, and the Yoga Sutras by Patanjali. With each book I finished, I found myself guided towards the next, ready to offer the insights I needed at that moment.
Just reading books is not sufficient. The real challenge lies in delving into the depths of knowing oneself. This understanding demands significant effort and time. It entails being attuned to our bodies, acknowledging our emotions, and being mindful of our thoughts. We must hone the skill of truly observing ourselves, making note of our actions, reactions, feelings, and thoughts. Simultaneously, we must be vigilant against deceiving ourselves. Before long, we come to realize that much of our lives are driven by unconscious responses to attraction and aversion, and that external influences often dictate our actions. It is at this point that we can start taking charge of our own responses to the environment, leading us towards purposefulness and heightened consciousness.
I firmly believe that we are amidst a significant shift, calling for new modes of thinking to comprehend the complexities of our current reality. According to Jean Gebser, we are urged to evolve to a higher level of consciousness. I find it crucial to disseminate knowledge about integral consciousness—an ideology that underscores the holistic development of an individual.
My explorations have steered me towards Theosophy, Astrology, and Tarot. Consequently, I am now involved with the Theosophical Society, offering beginner courses in Astrology, conducting consultations, delivering lectures, and writing articles on Theosophy.
Franz Hartmann: A Pioneer of the Theosophical Movement
From Duality to Polarity in the Works of Jean Gebser
Female Pioneers of the Theosophical Movement
Women and the Theosophical Movement
Course about Rosicrucianism and Theosophy
Part 1: History and Views
Part 2: The Chemical Wedding and Alchemy
Part 3: Franz Hartmann
Part 4: One of Many Path
Theosophical Order of Service Legacy Interview
My name is Susanne and I provide astrology consultations incorporating Emotional Freedom Technique or Tarot cards along with Astrological charts upon request. You can find out more about my approach here. For astrology inquiries, contact me here.
For those interested in Theosophy and seeking community, contact me at this email address.
Our group meets three times monthly via Zoom. Visit DC Theosophical Program for more info.
The driving force of destiny is the individual himself, and if he wants to change his fate, he must first change his character.
My name is Susanne Hoepfl-Wellenhofer and I am an experienced professional spiritual coach using astrology, Tarot, and Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) in my sessions.
Dr. Connie Zweig is a retired Jungian-oriented psychotherapist, author, and climate activist. Her professional work has focused on helping people meet, accept, and integrate
Dr. Jude Currivan is a cosmologist, planetary healer, futurist, author, and co-founder of Whole World View. Having grown up as the daughter of a coal
Franz Hartmann was a German medical doctor, Theosophist, occultist, astrologer, and author. His works include several books on esoteric studies and biographies of Jakob Böhme and
This is focused in the four-fold-way: Walking the Paths of the Warrior, Teacher, Healer and Visionary.
Jacob Boehme (1575 – 1624) has been called a philosopher, a Christian mystic, a Lutheran Protestant theologian, a Christian Theosophist, and a spiritualis. Boehme
Reincarnation, pre-existence, (original) sin, karma, divine grace and spiritual ascension are addressed in this book.
This book is about the essence of the Edgar Cayce Philosophy.
The object of the mysterious Order of Rosicrucians was to throw occult light upon the misunderstood Christian religion.
Promised by Heaven tells the story of how one woman’s near-death experience and glimpse of heaven led her to discover her gifts as a
Astrology sees mankind as being not only influenced by hereditary factors and the environment, but also by the state of our solar system at
Compassion and mindfulness are emphasized numerous times by Sogyal rinpoche. Readers can find tools that will help them face the inevitable truth that we
Anita Moorjani was born in Singapore of Indian parents, moved to Hong Kong at the age of two, and has lived there most of
The author offers a humanistic understanding of what it means to seek, grow, evolve and endure until we can each transform. She illustrates how
The author centers hisbook on the Bhagavad Gita, an ancient Hindu text, and the concept of dharma, one’s true calling in life. He uses
Dr. Tucker examines in “Life before Life” in a rational manner the possibility of reincarnation.
My favorite part is “The Talks of Instruction” because Meister Eickhart explains his thoughts on true obedience, the most powerful prayer, the undetached people
Carl Jung asks for an awareness of the uniqueness of the individual that can be understood neither by generalizations nor by statistics.
The book charts a meditative path that leads both to inner peace and to enhanced powers of soul, and finally to the lifting of
In this book Dr. Michael Newton shares the discourses with 29 subjects who, while in deep hypnosis, describe what has happened to them between
Elaine Pagels, (born in 1943), has taught at Barnard College, Columbia University after she received her doctorate from Harvard University in 1970 and chaired
Edgar Cayce (1877-1945) was an American psychic who possessed the ability to answer questions on a variety of subjects. He is perhaps the most
Approaches based on depth psychology focus on the psyche, human development, personality formation, and individuation. Individuation is a process of bringing our unconscious
There are two world traditions, which have formed the cultural and ethical basis of the world, as we know it. And both have an
In the Bhagavad Gita Krishna presents three main concepts for achieving enlightenment– renunciation, selfless service, and meditation.
While modern science tends to regard mind and consciousness as the expression and manifestation of matter, yoga claims that matter is controlled by mind,
Edward Bach argues that he main reason for the failure of modern medical science is that it is dealing with results and not causes.
Astronauts’ life-changing stories from seeing the Earth from the outside.
For this book Robert Schwartz worked with four mediums and reveals in each chapter the significance of one or two people’s life plan. Each
Quantum mechanics reveals a mystery at the boundary of physics: that observation strangely influences what is observed. Quantum Enigma focuses on this increasingly discussed
In this book the author recounts his near-death experience (NDE) during a meningitis-induced coma. He says that he was encountering the reality of a
Below is a summary of the book titles I have addressed on this webpage. If there is an asterisk next to the book you
Gary Zukov and Linda Francis explain that authentic power is the alignment of our personality with our soul. When we become our own source
Chopra distinguishes in this book three levels of existence:
Physical or material – the visible universe
Quantum – everything consisting of information and energy not
Elisabeth Haich explains in Self Healing, Yoga and Destiny the attitudes necessary for the path back to one’s self. Based on many years personal
In “The Four Agreements” Don Miguel Ruiz advocates personal freedom from agreements and beliefs that we have made with ourselves and others that are
In t”Initiation” Annie Besant illuminates the spiritual and mystical themes of finding God within ourselves. She describes how one can walk the path towards
Ilchi Lee believes that the greatest tool we have for healing our lives is ourselves. For him wisdom is knowledge applied. Every human being
In “The Language Codes” Neville Johnston leads us through the maze of our own language, guiding us past the pitfalls that we have been
In a New Earth” Eckhart Tolle advocates present moment awareness and the dismantling of the ego as the path towards awakened living.
This idea of overlap is addressed in Theosophy, where the second objective is “To encourage the study of comparative religion, philosophy, and science.”
Quantum Physics is a branch of science that deals with discrete, indivisible units of energy called quanta as described by the Quantum Theory. Fundamental
Herman Meyer maintains in this book, that our identity should be taken as a guide for our own true path and that negative fate
Carl Jung sees his life as a story of the self-realization of the unconscious which he describes in this book.
here are many people who complain about their fate and Herman Meyer claims that they have not been condemned by a higher power to
The book “Introduction to Astro-Psychology” by Glenn Perry represents a psychologically sophisticated astrology that goes beyond the usual approaches to the subject. All the
The Ever-Present Origin is an immense exploration into an insight—a “lightning-like inspiration” as he called it—that first came to Gebser in Spain in 1931.
The venerable Prof. Walpola Sri Rahula Maha Thera (1907–1997) was a Buddhist monk,scholar and writer. He is considered to be one of the top
While religions and religious groups may vary in their practices and beliefs, the Golden Rule, also known as the Ethic of Reciprocity, is routinely
Theosophy refers to systems of esoteric philosophy seeking direct knowledge of presumed mysteries of being and nature, particularly concerning the nature of divinity. Theosophists
Swami Satchidananda’s teachings are basically simple: In reality each of us is peaceful and happy but we are not in touch with our true