What steps can we take?

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    Most of us know that reading spiritual books is not enough and that we have to work on ourselves to improve. But that’s often easier said than done. And even if we are determined to make changes to improve ourselves and start working on our weaknesses we often get stuck. And then we might not know where to turn. Not every approach is the right one for all of us. But we should never give up.

    Here are some things that could work:


    There is a lot more to astrology than character description. It can deepen our self-understanding and awaken us to the opportunities and challenges of our life. If we find a good astrologer s/he can help us increase our self-awareness and help us discover exactly how we are expressing and manifesting our chart in our life.

    With the help of a good reading we can receive practical and usable information and get a deeper understanding and acceptance of our true nature.


    Another way that might help you is to develop daily routines by including a daily meditation session or by starting your day with a daily reading. If this is an approach you might want to consider reading “The Golden Present” (http://www.amazon.com/The-Golden-Present-Inspirational-Satchidananda/dp/0932040306/ref=tmm_pap_title_0?ie=UTF8&qid=1379786164&sr=1-1).

    These daily readings contain Swami Satchidananda’s teachings on the spiritual life. These readings aim to show how to serve others and realize peace, truth, and union with the divine. Culled from years of lectures to spiritual seekers in the West and the East, they are expressed with the simplicity and authority of one who speaks from his own experience.

    Or you can start/end your day with one card from the “Power of Now Meditation Deck” by Eckehart Tolle. The deck has fifty cards containing key words on the front side and a quotation from Tolle’s best-selling book on the reverse side.


    Emotions can play a role in all illnesses, whether physical, emotional, or spiritual.

    EFT is a healing tool to clear any kind of emotional conflict in mind and body. It is a way to remove trauma, pain and other negative motions by combining modern psychology and ancient acupuncture but without the needles.

    By tapping with the fingertips on various body locations and thinking of a problem at the same time we try to balance disrupted energy meridians. The memory of the traumatic event stays the same, but the charge is gone.

    EFT combines physical effects of meridian treatments with the mental effects of focusing on the pain an/or problem.

    It works because we are all made up of energy and all problems originate in the energy system.

    An experienced EFT-practitioner can help you clear emotional blockages


    In Traditional Chinese Medicine, everything in the universe, from largest to smallest, is influenced by seasonal changes. Collectively, they describe nature’s continuous cycle of rising and falling energy. Being aware of these cycles and understanding how they work is at the heart of self-improvement.

    If seasonal changes affect you and you want to tap into nature’s secrets for health, happiness and harmony you might want to read “The Five Seasons’ by Dr. Joseph Cardillo (http://www.amazon.com/The-Five-Seasons-Natures-Happiness/dp/1601632584). In this book the author asks you to synchronize your mind and body with the rising and falling energies of nature and therefore of your own moment-by-moment life. In doing so, you will live healthier, happier and more harmoniously.


    Yoga is a mind-body practice that combines stretching exercises, controlled breathing and relaxation. Yoga can help reduce stress, lower blood pressure, and improve heart function. And almost anyone can do it.

    Yoga has been interpreted in many different ways, such as “to unite”, or “to attain what was previously unattainable”, or “to be one with the divine” or acting in such a way that all of our attention is directed toward the activity in which we are currently engaged. In other words, yoga attempts or creates a state in which we are always present in every action and moment.

    By being present in every action we focus inward and learn to calm our mind. By practicing yoga on a regular basis we can reach sustained shifts in mental patterns, emotions and internal state of being.

    Another aim of Yoga is to know the truth, which is one’s Self. By knowing our true nature, we will also know the truth in others. It is in that truth that we come together and it is this goal that is expounded in all religions and philosophies. To come to this realization within one’s Self is what one calls meditation.

    The technique of meditation is to keep the mind fully occupied on one thing. When the mind is fully occupied on one thing, it becomes quiet

    Meditation begins with concentration – trying to focus your mind on one thing – your breath, a mantra, a candle light – depending on your preference. Another approach is that of self-analysis by watching our mind and asking ourselves: Whose thoughts are these? Who is worried? That way we can identify with the knower and not with the disturbances in the mind.

    • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Susanne.
    • This topic was modified 10 years, 7 months ago by Susanne.
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