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The Overview Effect

Overview Effect

“Many of the great wisdom traditions of the Earth have pointed to what we are calling the ‘Overview Effect’, that is to say, they have realized this unity, this oneness of all life on Earth and of consciousness and awareness”.

Frank White
Author of “The Overview Effect”

On the 40th anniversary of the “Earth” photograph taken from space, “Planetary Connection” created a short video showing astronauts’ life-changing stories from seeing the Earth from the outside.

“They were realizing at some deep level the interconnectedness with that beautiful blue ball.”

David Lay

“The Earth is one system and we are all part of this system and there is a certain unity and coherence to it.

Frank White

“The experience is of total unity and oneness.” (This unity is discussed in Theosophy, in the Bhagavad Gita, in the Yoga Sutras and in other spiritual texts.)

Edgar Mitchell

Here is the link to another spectacular video about our planet.

And NASA has information about it as well.

I feel it’s best to watch the videos to grasp the “Overview Effect”. The most prominent common aspects of personally experiencing the Earth from space are appreciation and perception of beauty, unexpected and even overwhelming emotion, and an increased sense of connection to other people and the Earth as a whole. The effect can cause changes in the observer’s self-concept and value system, and it can be transformative.